While we live by the blood of the Lamb and remember His sacrifice, He is coming as a lion. And as a lion, who will rouse Him?

Published by stephanieweirministries

I’m Stephanie, a daughter of God, a Mom, a Believer in Jesus Christ, a worshipper, artist, teacher, story teller and an encourager to the body of Christ. I hope to encourage, challenge and inspire you through the Word of God, my stories, prophetic insight, visions and the things the Lord is showing me. I've been through many trials, raised and taught seven kids, all which helped me to press into to the Lord and forged me into the person I am now. I feel led to pray for and encourage love for our country, our military, our children born and unborn, godly leaders who are in the trenches daily, and just us, those of us who just love Jesus and want to make a difference. The role each one of us plays around our tables, and in our world Is important. by serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His people I’ll have done my part. God Bless and strengthen you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Stephanie Weir

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